Random Acts of Kindness
Purchase and donate coloring books and crayons to a hospital waiting room.
Tape microwave popcorn to Redbox machine
Shop for and donate a Thanksgiving/Christmas meal
Take holiday books and leave at a children's play area in mall
Buy hot cocoa for Salvation Army bell ringers
Tape candy canes and notes to atms
Offer to buy a pack of gum or mints for the checkout person
Take peppermint mocha to a local childcare for the workers (I've done that job, they need extra energy!)
Hand out holiday flowers
Take baked goodies to library staff
Take thank yous and baked goodies to police
Take thank yous and baked goodies to county sheriff's office
Take thank yous and baked goodies to fire station
Pay for someone's santa pictures at the mall
Go grocery shopping specifically to give away in the Food for Families box
Pass out candy to those mailing Christmas cards at the post office
Collect canned goods for the food pantry
Collect clothes for the Community Center in Cleveland
Take small gifts/goodies to our hard working postal employees
Leave a gift basket/fruit basket on the doorstep or a family in need
Give cookies/treats to employees with words of thanks
Leave a treat and thank you in the mailbox for our letter carrier
Give our garbage/recycle driver hot cocoa & treat
Christmas Eve: Take mocha & cookies to store employees working night shift
Christmas Day: Deliver special goodies to those working/recovery in the hospital.
Buy coffee for a stranger at Starbucks
Pay past due library fees for a stranger
Donate used books to a school library
Buy a grocery gift card and give it to the person behind you in line
Buy $5 fast food gift cards and hand them out.
Make muffins/cookies and take them to church some evening
Leave quarters at the laundromat
Pump a stranger's gas so they don't have to get out in the cold
Take water bottles to busy nurses
Deliver balloons/small stuffed animals to the children's floor of a hospital
Hide book store gift cards in random books
Give a random family a restaurant gift card (walk up, place it on the table and leave)
Help load groceries in the car of an elderly person
Adopt a family for Christmas (buy small gifts/gift cards and donate anonymously)
Leave quarters in the carts at Aldi
Take cookies to neighbors and invite them to Christmas Eve service
Send a care package to a college student with popcorn, hot cocoa and goodies
Send a card/flowers/balloons with pictures made by kids to a shut-in
Send a card/package to a soldier
Leave a generous tip for a waitress or in a tip jar
You have been RACK'd!
Random Acts of
Christmas Kindness
This Christmas season we are counting down
the 25 days of Christmas by performing a
We pray that this little act may bless you and that
you may discover God's precious gift this Christmas season.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world
that He GAVE* His one and only Son,
that whoever (this means you!*) believes in Him
shall not perish but have eternal life."
*emphasis added by us!
Feel free to leave more suggestions in the comment section!!
LOVE your ideas!! Have to mention, that even though it may seem materialistic, just this week I had a customer leave me a very generous tip for his lunch. He and his family are always friendly and polite, and he just smiled and said "this is for you." Made my day!