Today I took the flowers that the kids and I picked out yesterday, a box of diapers and a small gift card to a new mother. When I got there she was sleeping, so I left everything with her husband. They were so appreciative! Yup, made my heart smile!
Now I have to put the finishing touches on tomorrow big RACK. This will be our first truly anonymous RACK. So far, everyone we RACK'd knew who we were. Tomorrow the recipients will have NO idea where this is coming from. This is what I love! I just love sitting back and seeing the joy on someone's face when someone they don't know reaches out to them.
I remember when I was in high school, I found out about a family that was struggling to provide basic needs for their kids. I had saved up some ministry money*(see note below) and I went to ALDI and bought several bags of groceries. I got a lot of the basics and some of the fun splurgey-type things. They had a cat too, so I purchased some cat food for them. I took everything over to their house and very quietly and cautiously set all the bags on their front porch. As soon as I was done, I rang the bell and sped away. I LOVED it!! Little did I know that many years later as a single mom, so many people would touch my life in the same sort of way. So many times I had no idea how I was going to pay my basic bills, and God ALWAYS provided. We never went hungry. There were times that the only meat we could afford was one pound of ground beef a week, but God is good. I never had any utilities shut off (came scary close a couple times) and we were always provided for. Many times, when things looked so bleak, someone would give us just what was needed. I will never forget one Sunday morning I sat in church clutching my tithe money. I was keenly aware that if I gave my tithe, I would not be able to buy groceries for my two children. Quite frankly, I was scared. However, I had made a commitment that my tithe always came first, no matter what. I had to trust that if I was faithful to God, He would provide. I put that money in the offering plate and although I knew it was what was right, I still had knots in my stomach. How am I going to feed my children. Honestly, I never heard much of the message that day. I spent that time pleading with God to please take care of us. I got home from church that day and sat my Bible down. Inside the front flap of my Bible was four times the amount of money that I gave in my tithe. I still get teary now just remembering how I felt. To this day, I have no idea who slipped that money in there and how on earth they did it without my knowing. I think that is why this kind of thing is so close to my heart. I always promised myself that one day, I would be on the giving end of things. And that is why I prefer to remain anonymous when I do this kind of thing. Of course, I don't even know who the recipients are for tomorrow's RACK. I'll explain more tomorrow. So crazy excited!
*Saving up "ministry" money is something that my aunt suggested that I do. I HIGHLY recommend doing this. It's money on top of your tithe that you set aside to use when you see a need. Please don't think that you should not give to your local church in order to do this. Your pastors, staff and the church ministries depend on our giving. This is just a little extra set aside for the specific purpose of filling a need when God lays something on your heart. It doesn't have to be much, just a little here and a little there. Even you loose change saved up can purchase a couple bags of groceries for someone. Just a thought!
James 2:15-17 "If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?"
In other words, put some feet and hands to that faith and love like Christ! Trust me, your joy will overflow in new and marvelous ways! :-)
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